Mental Health During Heat Waves

Heat is not only uncomfortable, it can be dangerous--both to our physical and mental health. Portland is facing a historically-high heat wave this weekend, with temperatures 30 degrees F higher than usual for late June. Read on to find resources for handling the heat, assisting our unhoused neighbors, and managing mental health.

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Help! My teen is afraid to return to school!

Teens and young adults across the country are facing the upcoming reality of a return to school, work, and social life for the first time in over a year. Many individuals are feeling anxiety about the possible issues that this may bring up, including separation anxiety, vaccination anxiety, social anxiety, and of course the ever-present concern about safety in an increasingly unpredictable world. Our counselors offer a short-term, summer break counseling series to help teens get back in the groove and ready for back to school!

 Parents, are you concerned about your teens as they begin to navigate the return to in-person school and activities? Do they seem more stressed or anxious than usual? Counseling can help!

 Parents, are you concerned about your teens as they begin to navigate the return to in-person school and activities? Do they seem more stressed or anxious than usual? Counseling can help!


Are you in middle school or high school and anxious about returning to school in-person? Going back to after-school clubs and teams? Are you worried about spending your days away from home and families? Counseling can help you manage your stress, cope with your anxiety, and make it easier to go back to normal life. 

I am passionate about helping others develop the skills and self-knowledge for the transition back into the in-person world.
— Quinn Connick, MA Candidate, Northwestern University

Quinn at Full Spectrum Therapy is providing teens with short-term therapy now through back to school Fall 2021, with the aim of teaching mindfulness and coping strategies to assist emotional regulation along with stress management, and other useful techniques that can be useful throughout their lives.

Our student counselors offer deeply reduced rates, self-selected, based on income. If you or someone you know might be interested, please have them email or call our main line, 503-765-5733.